... es.hu_.jpg
Ez egy digitális voltmérp mega8-al.
Azt szeretném elérni, hogy egy LCD-re írathassam ki a feszültséget, a LED kijelző helyett. A kapcsolás részét még át is tudom alakítani, de kezdő révén a programkódot nemigazán látom át. Hogy lehetne elkülöníteni ebből a 7szegmens vezérlését szerintetek?
Kód: Egész kijelölése
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 4000000
'$ baud = 2400
Config Timer0 = Timer, Prescale = 8
Dim Timecount As Word: Timecount = 0
Config Adc = Single, Prescaler = Auto, Reference = Internal
Enable Interrupts
Enable Ovf0
On Ovf0 Overflow_isr
Tcnt0 = &H19
Dim I As Byte
Config Pinc.5 = Input
Config Portd = Output
Portd = 0
Config Pinb.0 = Output
Portb.0 = 0
Config Pinb.1 = Output
Portb.1 = 0
Config Pinb.2 = Output
Portb.2 = 0
Config Pinb.3 = Output
Portb.3 = 0
Dim L (10) As Byte
L(1) = &B11111100
L(2) = &B10001001
L(3) = &B10011000
L(4) = &B10110100
L(5) = &B10010010
L(6) = &B10000010
L(7) = &B11111000
L(8) = &B10000000
L(9) = &B10010000
L(10) = &B11000000
Dim Le(10) As Byte
Le(1) = &B01111100
Le(2) = &B00001001
Le(3) = &B00011000
Le(4) = &B00110100
Le(5) = &B00010010
Le(6) = &B00000010
Le(7) = &B01111000
Le(8) = &B00000000
Le(9) = &B00010000
Le(10) = &B01000000
Dim Channel As Byte
Dim W As Long
Dim Ss As Byte
Dim Ad As Long
Dim S (4) As String * 1
Dim Sa As String * 5
Dim Sl (4) As Byte 'Show variables
'------------------------------------ Battery voltage detection
W = 0
Ss = 1
Ad = 0
For Ss = 1 To 20
Start Adc
Channel = 5
W = Getadc (channel)
Stop Adc
Ad = Ad + W
Next Ss
Ad = Ad / 20
Ad = Ad * 2560
Ad = Ad / 1023
Ad = Ad * 10
If Ad <1000 Then
Sa = Str (ad)
Sa = Format (sa, "000")
S (1) = Mid (sa, 3, 1)
S (2) = Mid (sa, 2, 1)
S (3) = Mid (sa, 1, 1)
'S (4) = Mid (sa, 1, 1)
I = Val (s (1))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (1) = L (10)
Sl (1) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (2))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (2) = L (10)
Sl (2) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (3))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (3) = L (10)
Sl (3) = L (i)
End If
Sl (4) = Le (10)
End If
If Ad> = 1000 And Ad <10000 Then
Sa = Str (ad)
Sa = Format (sa, "0000")
S (1) = Mid (sa, 4, 1)
S (2) = Mid (sa, 3, 1)
S (3) = Mid (sa, 2, 1)
S (4) = Mid (sa, 1, 1)
I = Val (s (1))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (1) = L (10)
Sl (1) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (2))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (2) = L (10)
Sl (2) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (3))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (3) = L (10)
Sl (3) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (4))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (4) = Le (10)
Sl (4) = Le (i)
End If
End If
If Ad> = 10000 And Ad <100000 Then
Sa = Str (ad)
Sa = Format (sa, "0000")
S (1) = Mid (sa, 4, 1)
S (2) = Mid (sa, 3, 1)
S (3) = Mid (sa, 2, 1)
S (4) = Mid (sa, 1, 1)
I = Val (s (1))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (1) = L (10)
Sl (1) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (2))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (2) = L (10)
Sl (2) = L (i)
End If
I = Val (s (3))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (3) = Le (10)
Sl (3) = Le (i)
End If
I = Val (s (4))
If I = 0 Then
Sl (4) = L (10)
Sl (4) = L (i)
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Tcnt0 = &H19
Incr Timecount
If Timecount = 15 Then '1 m 502 = 1s 4m 2008 = 1s
Timecount = 0
Portb.0 = 1
Portd = Sl (1)
Waitms 5
Portb.0 = 0
Portb.1 = 1
Portd = Sl (2)
Waitms 5
Portb.0 = 0
Portb.1 = 0
Portb.2 = 1
Portd = Sl (3)
Waitms 5
Portb.0 = 0
Portb.1 = 0
Portb.2 = 0
Portb.3 = 1
Portd = Sl (4)
Waitms 5
Portb.3 = 0
End If
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------[quote][/quote]