3-ra kellene, position controll modba.equ INI_MODE = 0 ;Initial Servo Mode (0-3) for no serial control
Jol ertem, hogy ez ettol fuggetlenul nem befolyasolja a soros porti kommunikaciot?
Kód: Egész kijelölése
$regfile = ATtiny2313.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
$baud = 9600
Dim A As Byte , S As String * 2
A = Inkey() 'get ascii value from serial port
's = Inkey()
If A > 0 Then 'we got something
Print "ASCII code " ; A ; " from serial"
End If
Loop Until A = 27 'until ESC is pressed
A = Waitkey() 'wait for a key
's = waitkey()
Print Chr(a) 'wait until ESC is pressed
Loop Until Inkey() = 27
'When you need to receive binary data and the bibary value 0 ,
'you can use the IScharwaiting() function.
'This will return 1 when there is a char waiting and 0 if there is no char waiting.
'You can get the char with inkey or waitkey then.
Kód: Egész kijelölése
; Memory bank 0 : Yasukawa Electric UGTMEM-A1SA51
.dw 300, 0x0500, 0x0300, 0x00c0, 240, 0x0340, 0x0100, 0
; Memory bank 1 : Yasukawa Electric UGTMEM-A1SA51
.dw 300, 0x0500, 0x0300, 0x00c0, 240, 0x0340, 0x0100, 0
; Memory bank 2 : Tamagawa Seiki TS1410N1
.dw 300, 0x0800, 0x0300, 0x0060, 180, 0x0550, 0x0100, 0
; Memory bank 3 : Matsushita Electric MCN-14EAEC (6V, 40p/r)
.dw 200, 0x0800, 0x0a00, 0x0400, 200, 0x0840, 0x0100, 0
.equ N_PARM = 8 ; Number of parameter words par bank.